10:42 PM Posted by Unknown

Mistura’s trademarked formula is heat activated and therefore works differently on everyone. The light refracting minerals and ultramarines glide over your skin like silk muting blemishes, redness and imperfections. Their Miracle Match Colour Blend Technology guarantees perfect individualized results every time. You can expect to look healthy, fresh and “made up” within seconds.
The 6-in-1 Beauty Solution must not be applied like any other pressed powder. Their unique formula goes a long way so you need only apply a tiny bit on your brush before application. Simply tap your brush very gently into the powder until a faint amount is visible and then apply to the cheeks in an upward motion. Wait a few seconds and gauge whether you need to apply more. If you apply too much, your face will appear darker than you like. Start very slowly and gently and within no time you will get the hang of it.
*A product was received for this review
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