Tuesday, March 18, 2025


5:32 PM Posted by Unknown

Okay ladies who wouldn't want to fix appliances, build shelves and work on your car if you had your own tool kit in pink? When I received my pink tools in a pink holder from Littlepinktools.com I couldn't wait to use them!! They are high quality tools so you don't have to be afraid of the hammer breaking when your hammering something in the wall! They are super stylish too!!

  • NEW 6 Tools in Pouch with Belt
  • Belt 46" fully adjustable
  • Pouch, 11" x 8"
  • Hammer, 7 oz. claw
  • Pliers, 10" pump style
  • Pliers, 6" slip joint with spring
  • Screwdriver, 6 in 1
  • Tape measure 25' with fractional scale
  • Wrench, 8" adjustable
  • Weight: 6 lbs


One winner will when a tool belt with tools!!!

Tell me about a time when you really need tools and didn't have any and what you did to improvise!!!

For extra entries you may do the following and leave a separate comment for those that you do.
  • Twitter (1 entry) include @mamaof3kids83 in your tweet
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  • Blog about the giveaway (3 entries)
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  • Leave a comment on any non giveaway post. (unlimited entry)
  • Follow me on my Blog memy3kids.blogspot.com (5 entries)

US Only

Please make sure to follow ALL giveaway rules.

This giveaway will end October 31, 2010.

*A product was received for this review


  1. Megan said...

    My baby was used to falling asleep with his little aquarium musical light up show thing. Well it died and he just would not go to sleep without it. But it required a screwdriver to get the batteries out, so i had to use scissors to unscrew it.

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  7. Anonymous said...

    I borrowed them from a neighbor or make a trip to the hardware store to buy what I needed :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

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  11. kendra said...

    hhaa well unfortunately I used a wire to unlock my door when I locked myself out. eeekks!!! thanks for the

  12. chrissiemz said...

    I needed tools many times being single mom and noone around to borrow. My vacuum was on the fritz so I could not get all the contraptions off the bottom and used pens butter knifes. I finally got off but was so hard and silly lol.

  13. Crystal said...

    when my kids really really wanted me to batteries in there new toy i couldnt find a screwdriver anywhere so i used a butterknife

    cbrocious1984 AT gmail DOT com

  14. McKim said...

    I'm always needing tools at my office, especially to hang pictures. I'm always using my shoe or stapler as a hammer or my letter opener as a screwdriver.

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  20. Suze said...

    Couldn't find a flat headed screwdriver, but did have a penny handy! It took a little longer, but worked great!

  21. mverno said...

    when my car broke down i called aaa mverno@roadrunner.com

  22. nick said...

    when i had to replace a broken fuel line on my 1975 vega on interstate 10 in west texas

  23. littlelatina said...

    This would be awesome I have no tools in the house

  24. Miranda Ward said...

    This would have been great last week when my daughter broke the cabinet door in her bathroom and I needed to screw more screws in and I couldnt. So I used zip ties till hubby came home with some tools.


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  30. Missybeez said...

    When I needed to fix a cabinet over my sisters house when she just moved in so I used a butter knife to screw in the hinge.


  31. Missybeez said...

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  32. Colo12 said...

    When I was trying to fix a kids town and did not have any tools. I used a dime on the screws. Love to win!! Thank you

  33. EBJ said...

    I have used a knife before as a multi-tool - the blade can work as a screw driver; the handle as a hammer for small nails (if you are just hanging up pictures)

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  39. SouthernSnow said...

    I was trying to build a rabbit pen and could not find a hammer and used a cement rooster I had in the yard LOL.

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  45. Anonymous said...

    haha I was trying to fix the car. The thermostat went out. I needed a pair pliers or a wrench. I used some plastic toy wrenches of my son's, and it actually worked...lol


  46. sweetsue said...

    I use whatever is handy when I need a hammer.I have purchased them,but they always disappear. Just today, I needed a yardstick and improvised with a paper yardstick taped to a board.
    smchester at gmail dot com

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  51. Suzanne G said...

    Many a time my thumbnail has substituted for a phillips head screwdriver.

  52. hiann88 said...

    I ended up going to the hardware store & buying what I needed.

  53. chrissiemz said...

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  54. Anonymous said...

    I borrow mine from the neighbor... they seem to ahve them all LOL.

    patsmandy @ yahoo .com

  55. BowieTip said...

    I needed a can opener to open a can of coffee. Didn't have one so I improvised using a hammer and nail to punch holes around the can's rim until the lid came off.

    Hope to win, as my ex-wife could use some Pink Tools.


  56. Anonymous said...

    Several years ago, I couldn't get into the shed to get a hammer, so I used the handle of a knife....now, I keep the hammer inside the house.


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  63. hity88 said...

    I ended up calling my son for help & his tools.

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  65. Ivelisse Rosado said...

    Last week I was changing a switch plate in the living room. I cant find the screw driver that I needed, my kids use it to remove a clip from the door once and misplace it. The problem was solve by using a butter knife instead, it work fine and the result where the same. No one know about it, so when they ask for the screwdriver I just said "check the kitchen drawer" and laughs about it.

  66. Tammy said...

    The screws fell out of one of my dining chairs and I had to use a butter knife!

  67. Becca Ann said...

    I have used random things on multiple occasions, I have used butter/ steak knives to screw and shoes to hammer nails

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  74. KowgirlsRule said...

    I usually am without a hammer and have to use a shoe or sometimes I use my rolling pin.

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  80. Tina P said...

    I actually don't have a screwdriver so I will often use a butterknife.


  81. Unknown said...

    I've used a book as a hammer when I couldn't find one. I've also had to use a butterknife as a screwdriver when the one I have was too small.


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  87. Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

    I had ordered a dresser for my daughter which came while my husband was ourt of ton.
    I looked everywhere for a screwdriver to assemble it but could not find one anywhere.
    So I end up putting it together with a butter knife.
    It took what seemed like forever.


  88. Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

    I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

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  94. Unknown said...

    I needed a cross point phillips head screw driver the other day and couldn't find one of the 1000s we have! So I use the good old stand by, a butter knife! I fixed the drawer handle on the silverware drawer.

    abstractrose at yahoo dot com

  95. Susan said...

    I was trying to fix a chair and I had to borrow tools from a neighbor! suelee1998@ gmail.com

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  101. Chrystal said...

    I needed some when I locked my keys in the car, so I had to use a wire hanger to open the door instead.

    chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)

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  106. Valancia said...

    when trying to fix the bathroom cabinet

  107. Harriett said...

    When camping, I needed a hammer, but I used a rock. Now that is what I call roughing it!

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  113. Breanne said...

    We bought a bookshelf that you had to assemble. We didn't have a hammer though which you needed to put the back on. My husband's arm was in a cast so he decided to use that instead... it worked

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  119. candy said...

    I needed to hang a cork board up for my 4 year old who couldn't wait and I couldn't find a hammer so I used my shoe it took a little longer but worked.wilcarvic

  120. candy said...

    I commented on what a summer ethan had.wilcarvic

  121. mail4rosey said...

    I needed a screwdriver last week to open my son's car case and I improvised by using a butter knife.


  122. cman said...

    I've used coins to open up toys that needed batteries when I couldn't find a screwdriver.