Monday, March 17, 2025

What a Summer Ethan Had!

10:03 PM Posted by Unknown

Well at the end of summer Ethan had a busy time! He started soccer! So every Wednesday is soccer practice and every Saturday is the game! The first game was in Running Springs and we had to be there at 8:30 AM and the whole time I was thinking "Why did I sign him up for this?!" LOL but its good for him and it really helps with his hyperness!!

We spent ALOT of the summer at my best friend Amanda's house had ALOT of fun! I would have trade it for the world! The kids played outside, they played dress up and did arts and crafts all the time! We kept those kids busy so at the end of the night they went to bed EASY so we could have GROWN UP TIME!!!
 Then school started! He is in the first grade now and he's doing VERY good! He is above the charts in his academics but not in the behavioral department! LOL I have been trying to get involved in his school with the PTA and I help out just about every Friday! I feel the more your involved in your kids school the better they will do!!

Ethan also was a Ring Bearer in my moms friends wedding! He was opposite Emma one of the cutest little girls ever! They ran around and they danced and they ate till they could barely stand! They were soooo cute!


  1. Betty N said...

    You are approaching it the right shows your child (and his teacher) that you are interested in the school.

  2. candy said...

    Ethan is so cute and it looks like he had a wonderful summer. Him and emma are so cute together.wilcarvic