Monday, March 17, 2025

Snapfish Goes PINK

8:43 AM Posted by Unknown

Snapfish is contributing to the fight against breast cancer by launching its new Pink Gives Store, which will give customers the opportunity to purchase customized products including custom card designs from new Snapfish Publisher designers, as well as calendars, notebooks, notepads, cards, and stickers. For any purchase made, Snapfish will donate 30 percent of the proceeds to In addition, if customers spend $10 on any Pink Gives product through October they’ll receive a free set of address labels.

This is a very special promotion for Snapfish as in 2004, Natalie Long, director of product management, was diagnosed with stage I breast cancer; and in 2006, Lauren Patterson, merchandising manager, was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. Knowing that self-exams lead to early detection, Lauren has encouraged friends and family to do monthly self-exams, and she came up with the idea of calendar reminder stickers to help them remember each month.

In support of the month, Snapfish is offering:
  • Customized products including cards, calendars, notebooks, notepads and stickers available for purchase at the Pink Gives Store, where 30 percent of all proceeds from the sales will go directly to, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the most up-to-date, reliable, medically reviewed information on breast health and breast cancer to help those affected by breast cancer make the best decisions for their lives
  • A FREE set of address labels if you spend $10 on Pink Gives products through October 31, 2010 
You can simply use promotional code PINKGIVES during checkout. The promotional codeis good till Oct. 31!

Here are all the different styles you can use

*A product was recieved for this review