First can I tell you I have never planned a bachelorette party before so this is gong to interestng!!! I was picked to host a Bridesmaid party to celebrate the release of the movie Sept 20. I thought it would kinda apporpriate to do a bachelorette themed party! I am asking all my girls to wear their most hidious dress they can find and we will sip on mamosas, talk girl talk, and eat lots of food!!! When I attended BlogHer11 last month I go some awesome recipies for some frozen yogourt drinks and I will include the recipies in a little bit!! Now if you have any party ideas you want to throw my way I would love it! And remember to stay tune for more pre party buzz and stay tuned to see the after math of the party!!! Well I will have to get back to you with reciepes it seems that I have missed placed them!!! But I promise I will get back to you!!!
September 11, 2011 at 6:23 PM
Hi I'm stopping by your blog as a fellow Blogorama Bonanza 2011 Member and wanted to follow you on GFC,Twitter, and Facebook. If you do get the time please follow me back if your not already thanks. Enjoy the event and I hope you stop by my blog as well.
Evoluchun's Miscellaneous
September 11, 2011 at 10:57 PM
Hello I'm stopping by from Blogorama Bonanza 2011 I'm a Member I followed you on GFC,Twitter, and Facebook. When you get time and follow back that's great thanks and enjoy the event hope it turns out to be a great event I'm excited its my first one.
Taz's Journey